Tick Tock…

Life Per Minute
1 min readJan 6, 2022

Life Per Minute 20

Like a swerve of the wind in the tranquil sky,
It creates a soundless chaos, a move so sly,

It can challenge your mastery, making you feel naive,
Changing the course of events, seamlessly staying alive,

If we see it with perspective, it is a game of hide and seek,
What we seek is lost, a hysterical process on repeat,

A driver so harsh, driving a car without breaks,
As it goes along, it not only destroys, it blossoms and creates,

The passenger seated beside, helps us taste, see, smell, feel, hear,
We call them the ‘senses’, making our jumbled lives, a bit more clear,

The passengers seated behind, smoothen the drive,
We call them ‘patience’, and the ‘balance’ to survive,

They follow a rutted path called, life, passing by alluring views,
Shades of tears, some of joy, others of heartbreaks, a sky full of hues,

Where do they reach, a path so unknown,
Maybe a dead end, maybe a milestone,

Well, the much decisive driver takes a turn,
To where? Let that remain his concern!

The driver is someone who makes me waste my rhymes,
It makes me whine, it makes me shine,
Bow down my friends, to this thing called, Time!

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Ivteh ❤



Life Per Minute

Student | Blogging thoughts, poems, stories, experiences…