The Selfish Charades

Life Per Minute
1 min readJun 6, 2021


Life Per Minute 18

Hey guys! I have so much to share about my life, but an incident where I learned a few important lessons, is here written down in a poem!
Enjoyy and like, share and follow for more! -

“The departure of the brunette beauty was understandable,
My eyes concealed the despair, yet my longing remained intangible,

A change of events brought the exuberance in me,
My beauty was withheld, and my longing set free,

Was it destiny or my stubbornness, still remains a question,
What came forth, left a valuable lesson,

A known stranger played the selfish charades,
Leaving my beauty perplexed, while their domination remained,

In a war with the known and unknown, my beauty lost it all,
Leaving behind her own, to hopelessly fall,

Sour relations was what remained,
My longing was caged, once again,

A lesson indeed, on what should not be done,
Prioritising the ones who were there, when it all begun…”

Ivteh ❤



Life Per Minute

Student | Blogging thoughts, poems, stories, experiences…