4 cups of coffee

Life Per Minute
Jul 28, 2022


Life Per Minute 21

Brand new bonds, a few months old,
Imprudent, naive, relations unrolled,

A night it was, of mindless chaos,
A handful of hours, liberatingly lost,

4 cups of coffee became a trigger for laughs,
Comfort sneaked in, as I got the cookie’s broken half,

The 3 indecisive faces, made my heart beam,
They too felt the complexity — ordering the coffee with or without the cream?

We were passengers in transit, waiting for life to happen,
Involved in a bond, meant to dampen,

Paths were defined, priorities were set,
All of it was forgotten, when we casually met,

Those handful of hours now seem intangible,
The detachment next day, feels understandable,

A night it was, one that is set in stone,
4 cups of coffee, suddenly became unknown.



Life Per Minute

Student | Blogging thoughts, poems, stories, experiences…